We are created!

Thanks for the great support!

The Peace Party was verified this morning as as a statewide minor political party.

Any resident of Oregon of at least 18 years of age can now register as a member of the Peace Party.

Click the link below to download Oregon's voter registration form. Sign it. Take it in person or mail it to your county elections office (addresses are on the form). Don't forget the 42 cent stamp!
> Download the form
> Descargue la forma

As soon as you have registered as a member of the Peace Party, send us an email at info@thepeaceparty.net so we can include you in all messages that go to Party members.

Submit your suggestions for candidate nominations for state and federal "partisan" offices now for consideration. Each nominee will be considered on the basis of committment to peace and justice. The Party will be able to nominate candidates until close of business on August 26, 2008.