Oregon Peace Party becomes Progressive Party

On September 18, 2009, the Peace Party changed its name to the Progressive Party. The paperwork was filed with the Oregon Secretary of State (SoS), who will very soon be ordering new voter registration cards that will reflect the name change.

"Progressive" more accurately reflects the party's positions on social justice, consumer advocacy, environmental protection, and worker's rights, in addition to its dedication to peace.

Unfortunately, the Oregon Legislature demands that, when a minor party changes its name, it loses its entire membership. Everyone who was registered with the Peace Party now needs to re-register as a member of the Progressive Party.

Click the link below to download Oregon's voter registration form. Mark the circle next to Other: Progressive Party. Sign it. Mail it to your county elections office (addresses are on the form). Don't forget the 42 cent stamp!

sel500p.pdf559.43 KB