Get dirty diesel engines off Oregon roads and construction sites

"Stop the dirty diesel trucks on Oregon roads" 

Oregon’s air is toxic!
Stop the dirty diesel trucks on Oregon roads. Support strong diesel standards!
Hearing on HB 2007 on Tuesday, March 19, 2019 starting at 1 PM

Your action is needed to stop the dirty diesel trucks and equipment on Oregon’s roads and clean our toxic air.

After decades of allowing dirty diesel trucks to run on Oregon roads, the Oregon legislature is again taking up the issue. Both Washington and California have enacted standards regarding diesel trucks/equipment on their state roads. Because Oregon has failed in its past efforts, trucks no longer allowed in Washington and California have been sold by those states’ trucking firms to work the roads and construction sites of Oregon. According to a report in The Oregonian (Jan 2015), 350,000 such trucks failed to meet CA standards. CA regulations require pre-2010 diesel trucks to be off the road by 2023. Many have found and will find new lives here in Oregon. Our air is dirtier as a result, causing health problems like lung cancer, low-weight births, heart attacks and asthma.

And it is not just diesel trucks. Also showing up in Oregon are old off-road equipment like back-hoes, bulldozers and more.

Oregon standards and regulations need to be updated. HB2007 is the legislation to get this done..... if it is strengthened. HB2007 gives diesel operators a full decade to comply with regulations, a full 6 years longer than California operators have. Demand that Oregon deadlines meet those in California (2023 deadline for all trucks to meet the 2010 federal emissions standards). Further, HB2007 must close the Glider Truck loophole, which allows old diesel engines to be ‘hidden” from detection by failing to have an honest label on the truck and equipment. New truck bodies hid old diesel engines. This loophole must be closed. Oregon DEQ should be directed to develop a sticker identification program like California to make it easier to see that clean diesel standards are in place on construction sites.

Taking Actions:
• Come to Salem to advocate for this bill and for strengthening it’s language? If so, click here.
• Send testimony 24 hours in advance of the March 19, 1 PM hearing via Email:
• Come to Salem for the Clean Air/Environmental Lobby day on Thursday, March 21, being organized by Oregon League of Conservation Voters. Details and registration information here.