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Ask Governor to Veto SB 967

Governor Kitzhaber has until Wednesday (tomorrow) to sign or veto SB 967, which abolishes ratepayer protection against phony income tax charges.

David Cay Johnston, the Pulitzer Prize-winning former financial writer for the New York Times, called this specific bill:

"the Warren Buffett and friends personal tax relief act" and
"the Tax Heists Enriching Financial Titans Act, or THEFT for short"

SB 967 repeals a 2005 law (SB 408) that prohibits regulated utilities from charging ratepayers for federal, state, and local "income taxes" that in fact were not paid to any unit of government by the utility.  Senator Vicki Walker (D Eugene), the primary sponsor of the 2005 law, stated at its enactment:

For several years, the large electricity and gas utilities regulated by the Oregon Public Utility Commission have been charging to Oregon ratepayers hundreds of millions of dollars for "state income taxes" and "federal income taxes" that in fact have not been paid to any government. Currently, the best available estimate of these charges to Oregon ratepayers is $150 million per year."

Between 1998 and 2006, Portland General Electric (PGE) charged Oregon ratepayers over $750 million for such never-paid income taxes.

The OPUC Commissioners fully supported these phony charges, and SB 967 allows this outrageous practice to resume.

Urge the Governor to Veto SB 967 -- Now

Say, "Please veto SB 967, the bill that allows utilities to charge ratepayers for phony taxes."

Gov's Phone  503-378-4582
Gov's Fax  503-378-6827
Leave a Message at

Or Send Email to brian.shipley@state.or.us and mike.kaplan@state.or.us

For additional information to include in your message, see the IPO Letter to Governor Kitzhaber and the Dan Meek Testimony to the Legislature.

Oregonian on SB 967 -- Reinstates Utility Tax Scam

Legislators scrap law on taxing ratepayers

A new bill readdresses the taxes that utilities actually pay versus the taxes they pass on to their customers

Note: This article is not available online at The Oregonian.

May 14, 2011

After a six-year fight over a law to prevent utilities from charging ratepayers for taxes that the utilities don't pay, the Legislature has punted the issue back to utility regulators.

Senate Bill 967, passed by the Legislature on Thursday, gets rid of a complicated annual tax true-up that resulted in a surcharge or refund to ratepayers based on whether regulators determined that the utility had overcollected or undercollected from ratepayers to cover its tax bill. Instead, taxes will go back to being part of standard rate cases. The bill directs the Oregon Public Utility Commission to analyze all tax benefits, liabilities and credits, as well as a utility's corporate structure and tax payment history when setting utility rates.

The bill also directs the PUC to consider the effect of any merger on utility taxes.

The bill, if signed by the governor, effectively kills Senate Bill 408, which was passed in 2005 to protect ratepayers from phantom taxation. OPUC commissioner Susan Ackerman said she believes the new rate case treatment of taxes will achieve the original intent in a cleaner fashion. "We learned so much about the complications of federal tax law that we almost have a different staff," she said. "They will bring that knowledge to bear" during rate cases.

It was the PUC's implementation of SB 408, as much as the law itself, that generated so much controversy in subsequent years. Dan Meek, a Portland area lawyer who was instrumental in pushing the original legislation, said Friday that the original idea was to reduce the PUC's discretion to allow utilities to charge ratepayers for phony taxes. The PUC opposed the bill, he said, then sabotaged the law by adopting a methodology to calculate utilities' tax liabilities that was neither transparent nor confirm-able.

"What this bill does is once again give the PUC discretion to allow utilities to charge ratepayers for phony income taxes," Meek said. "I don't see any reason to expect them to be any different than they were in 2005 and earlier. This is a victory for utilities and a defeat for ratepayers."    Read more ...

Jane Mayer on the Obama war on whistle-blowers

Jane Mayer on the Obama war on whistle-blowers - In a must-read article, the New Yorker documents Obama's war on whistle-blowers, and growing legacy [Glenn Greenwald]

The always-expanding bipartisan Surveillance State

The always-expanding bipartisan Surveillance State - Three events of the last 24 hours demonstrate how individual privacy is destroyed while government secrecy grows [Glenn Greenwald]

Willamette Week Article on Use of Campaign Funds for Bar Tabs, etc.

Willamette Week Article on Use of Campaign Funds for Bar Tabs, etc. -

Perfectly Legal: How one lawmaker uses campaign money to subsidize his mortgage, pay his bar tabs and explore Canada.

Willamette Week
May 11, 2011
by Nigel Jaquiss

. . . State filings show, for instance, that since Jan. 1, 2009, Schaufler has charged his campaign nearly $6,000 for 91 separate visits to Magoo’s, a Salem bar. Over the same period, he’s charged his campaign $2,434 for 68 visits to another Salem bar called the Brick Bar & Broiler.

“I’m surprised it’s only 91 visits to Magoo’s,” he says. “I meet with people all the time on legislative business. And when I do, it’s paid for by my PAC.”

Since Jan. 1, 2009, his campaign paid for 58 nights at the Phoenix Grand Hotel, totaling $7,392. Schaufler says long Salem hours make commuting [from 50 miles away] difficult.

“It’s just best to stay down there sometimes,” he says, adding that this session he’s saving money by renting an apartment—also with campaign money.

When the Legislature is out of session, he “rents” a district office in his home for $400 a month. That put nearly $5,000 in his pocket last year, which is allowed provided he charges himself a fair market rate.    Read more ...

Press Coverage of Protest against JTTF

April 28, 2011

The Oregon Progressive Party along with many local community groups oppose rejoining the Joint Terrorist Task Force by protesting at Portland City Hall Thursday afternoon.

Dozens of protesters opposed to the city working with FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force rallied outside City Hall early Thursday afternoon before the City Council took up the issue.

Alaina Melville of the Oregon Progressive Party said the group was opposed to the most recent resolution by Mayor Sam Adams, calling it vague and predicting that it would not prevent the task force from spying on law-abiding citizens because of their political or religious beliefs. "It seems to have even few civil rights protections than some of the earlier versions," said Melville, operation director for the independent political party.

Signs carried by some of the protesters accused the FBI of targeting anti-war protesters. The council hearing began at 2 p.m. and was supposed to last about four hours.

Open Letter to City Council Opposing the JTTF in Portland

The Portland City Council needs to hear from YOU. Please use the text of the letter we sent to the Commissioners today, and the key points listed after the letter, as a guide to composing your own letter telling the City Council to vote NO on the JTTF. Contact info for each commissioner and the city attorney is below our letter. Send your letter by email now!

Dear Mayor Adams and City Council Commissioners,

We write you with serious concerns about the possibility that Portland City Council may vote to expand the presence of the FBI and the Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF) in our community.  Fundamental questions have not been answered, and legitimate concerns have not been adequately addressed.

How will assigning Portland Police officers to the JTTF benefit the Portland community?

Portland already suffers from lack of funds for social services.  We see schools (and police stations) closing and fewer facilities providing social services for larger areas with less resources at their disposal.  Rather than assign these officers to the JTTF and open up our city agencies and offices to the FBI, we should be investing our tax dollars and community resources into expanding and strengthening social services for the benefit of our community.

May 2011

MAY DAY 2011
May 1 (Sunday) 2:00 pm - 6:00 pm
South Park Blocks, Portland, Oregon

Stop the Attacks on the Working Class! From Cairo to Portland.

The Portland Immigrant Rights Coalition is organizing a huge May Day Rally and March in Portland.

Since May Day is International Workers Day all over the world, we will be emphasizing workers' rights and immigrant rights.

2:00 pm - Activist Fair
3:00 pm - Rally
4:00 pm - March
5:30 pm - Rally

Please contact Peter at maydayoutreach@gmail.com if you would be interested in helping plan for May Day..
facebook:  http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/event.php?eid=146093445452883
May 4th Rally to Defend Education
May 4th (Wednesday) 12 Noon - 2:00 pm
Portland State University Park Blocks

Wikileaks and the Empire's Web with Eva Golinger
May 6 (Friday)  7:00 pm - 10:00 pm
First Unitarian Church, 1011 SW 13th, Portland, OR 97201

The Portland Central American Solidarity Committee (PCASC) presents author and Wikileaks expert Eva Golinger on her U.S. speaking tour. Come hear her expose secrets of U.S. foreign policy about Latin America.

Eva Golinger is a leading figure in the Venezuelan revolution. She is editor of a popular Venezuelan English language newspaper, and has her own news program on Venezuelan national television. She is author of the Chavez Code and other books, and is referred to by President Chavez as “Venezuela’s sweetheart”. She is an expert researcher, and will speak about Wikileaks secrets and U.S. foreign policy in Latin America.

Tickets are $10-$15 sliding scale. No one will be turned away.
All proceeds go to PCASC.
Purchase tickets in advance here - https://pcasc.net/civicrm/civicrm/event/info?id=4&reset=1
facebook: http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/event.php?eid=104344172983729
Womens Rights Are Human Rights:  March and Rally
May 7 (Saturday) 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Gathering Place: corner of NE Killingsworth Street and NE Cully Blvd

facebook:  http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=193162650723826
Whitefeather Peace House will be hosting the following event:
3315 North Russet St., Portland, Oregon
May 6  (Friday) 6:00 pm

Paloma Ayala Vela and Patrick Hiller will present a talk on the state of nonviolent civil society movements in Mexico, where they have done work and which is Paloma's homeland. Children and friends are welcome. All refreshments are vegetarian (that means no fish as well, please), and no alcohol. Thanks!
Contact:  Tom H. Hastings
Director, PeaceVoice Program, Oregon Peace Institute
peace education notification list sign-up:
Climate Ethics and Equity Forum
May 14 (Saturday) 9:30 am - 3:15 pm at the First United Methodist Church
1838 SW Jefferson St, Portland, Oregon


If you have any questions please contact:
Alaina Melville
Oregon Progressive Party

April 2011

Sunday, April 3rd, 6 PM, 5014 NE 24th Ave (behind Star e Rose)

Death and Taxes

Free community documentary & discussion night held each Sunday at 6pm. We show thought-provoking social/political/environmental films & talk afterward about what's stirring around in us.
Death & Taxes - a short film about tax resistors & their motivations. Discussion led afterward.

http://www.nwtrcc.org/deathandtaxes.php (National War Tax Resistance Coordinating Committee)
Monday, April 4th, Director Park, SW 9th and Yamhill

Rally: Keep Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s Dream Alive!

Join the Oregon AFL-CIO, the Northwest Oregon Labor Council, the ILWU and your fellow union members to continue the work of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Stand up against the Koch Brothers who helped put Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker in office and are holding up contract negotiations for our brothers and sisters in Oregon at Georgia Pacific and at the Wauna paper mill.

And stand strong with federal workers whose jobs are uncertain so long as anti-worker elitists in Congress refuse to pass a reasonable budget. Carl Wolfson, comedian and host of the KPOJ Morning Show, will moderate this important rally.
Thursday, April 7th, 6:30 - 8PM, Waverly Heights United Church of Christ, 3300 SE Woodward St, between SE Powell and Division

Town Hall to Stop Wage Theft, Share your story, help end wage theft

Wage theft is the pervasive and illegal practice of not paying workers for some or all of their work.

It happens when employers pay less than the minimum wage, don't pay overtime, force employees to work 'off the clock' or 'under the table', issue paychecks that bounce, steal tips, deny legally required meal and rest breaks, or don't pay workers at all.

The Oregon Coalition to Stop Wage Theft is fighting to keep cheaters from unfairly circumventing lawful employment practices and to provide workers with more tools to recover unpaid wages.

Come share your story or hear form Others.

More info 503.525.8454, www.facebook.com/protectoregonworkers
Sunday, April 10, 6 PM, 5014 NE 24th Ave (behind Star e Rose)

The Battle of Chernobyl - a film revealing the systematic cover-up of the true scope of the disaster

Free community documentary & discussion night held each Sunday at 6pm. We show thought-provoking social/political/environmental films & talk afterward about what's stirring around in us.
Discussion led afterward.
Thursday - Saturday, April 14 -16, University of Portland

Food for Thought Conference

Food for Thought begins April 14 with a multi-media discussion about meat production with Bon Appetit CEO Fedele Bauccio, a member of the Pew Commission on Industrial Farm Animal Production. The lecture will be followed by a hormone-free, antibiotic-free meat tasting.

Friday, April 15, the University of Portland will host a Food Film Festival Saturday, April 16, features four plenary sessions about food production, sustainability, and social justice with a mix of lectures, discussions, and panels. The day concludes with a keynote address by Michael Pollan, author of In Defense of Food, The Omnivore’s Dilemma,The Botany of Desire, and Second Nature. Michael will be introduced by Congressman Earl Blumenauer.

Conference registration for Food for Thought is free, and opens February 1. Tickets for Michael Pollan’s keynote speech are $20 for general admission and $25 for reserved seats; they are free for conference hosts and sponsors, University of Portland faculty and staff, and students of any college or university. Tickets go on sale February 1. Registration for free tickets also begins February 1.

More detailed info at http://college.up.edu/envscience/default.aspx?cid=10905&pid=3084
Friday April 15th, time to be determined, Oregon Zoo

Oregon Physicians for Social Responsibility 30th Anniversary Dinner

With keynote speaker Jody Williams, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate and founding coordinator of the International Campaign to Ban Landmines.

Visit www.oregonpsr.org or call 503.274.2720 for more info.
Saturday, April 16, 12 Noon, Pioneer Courthouse Square

Portland Rising: Rally & March for Jobs and Benefits, Not Cuts!

With eight million jobs lost in the 2008 meltdown and more than five jobs seekers for every job, Congress needs to focus on creating jobs, not cutting the safety net!

Cosponsored by Alliance for Democracy, AFSCME Council 75, Oregon AFL-CIO, KBOO, Oregon Working Families Party, Oregon Progressive Party, ILWU, ATM local 757, Oregonians for Renewable Energy Policy, Oregon Fair Trade Campaign, Rural Organizing Committee and lots more.

More info from Jobs with Justice, 503.236.5573, www.jwjpdx.org

Rally for Climate Justice! (and Feeder March joining Portland Rising Rally)
April 16 at Noon at NW 8th and Davis (North Park Blocks)

Bike Ride to the Rally!
11am at N Killingsworth & Commercial
Sunday, April 17, 6 PM, 5014 NE 24th Ave (behind Star e Rose)

The Corporation - a film exploring the nature & rise of the dominant institution of our time

Free community documentary & discussion night held each Sunday at 6pm. We show thought-provoking social/political/environmental films & talk afterward about what's stirring around in us.

Wednesday, April 20, 12 noon, deliversenter gym, Pacific University in Forest Grove

Prospects for Peace in the Middle East, Norm Chomsky

Noam Chomsky, one of America's most renowned political critics and linguists, will deliever an hourlong lecture on prospects for peace in the Middle East, followed by a Q & A session.

Free lecture, open to the public; doors open to public at 11 AM; no advance tickets will be available. Visitors are encouraged to use public transit.
Friday, April 22, 7PM (doors open at 6:30 PM) 1st Unitarian Church, SW 12th and Salmon

GasLand, the documentary film by Josh Fox

"The largest domestic natural gas drilling boom in history has swept across the United States. The Halliburton-developed drilling technology of "fracking" or hydraulic fracturing has unlocked a "Saudi Arabia of natural gas" just beneath us. But is fracking safe? When filmmaker Josh Fox is asked to lease his land for drilling, he embarks on a cross-country odyssey uncovering a trail of secrets, lies and contamination. A recently drilled nearby Pennsylvania town reports that residents are able to light their drinking water on fire. This is just one of the many absurd and astonishing revelations of a new country called GASLAND. Part verite travelogue, part expose, part mystery, part bluegrass banjo meltdown, part showdown.

Sponsored by Community for Earth, 1st Unitarian Church.
$5-15, no one turned away. Printable flier here.
Saturday, April 23, Washington High School field at SE 12th and Stark

Earth Day 2011- Incorporated "We need You"

This year’s theme has been chosen to spark a conversation about incorporation being a positive attribute. In essence the word means to build bridges and close gaps. To incorporate everyone is the intention. We want to celebrate sustainable business models big and small, organizations gathering momentum in the green movement and anyone who is ready to take steps toward creating a healthy future for our children. Sustainability is an idea that will need incorporation of all parties, coming together and succeeding!

Mission Statement: The Earth Day Celebration is organized by a coalition of organizations and community members celebrating and activating environmental and social sustainability in the Portland, Oregon metro area. We encourage community service projects, citizen participation, emphasis on local economy and the restoration of a culture of cooperation. In our 12th year, we have built this event to highlight local organizations and businesses that demonstrate social and environmental sustainability in their own unique way for Portland area residents. Along with organizations & vendors at the celebration, there will be music, dance, a Kids’ Village, Health and Wellness area, Food, the Reware Upcycle Market and the T-horse.
Sunday, April 24, 6 PM, 5014 NE 24th Ave (behind Star e Rose)

The Shock Doctrine - a film about the origins & rise of disaster capitalism (government & big business exploiting vulnerable countries in a time of crisis).
Free community documentary & discussion night held each Sunday at 6pm. We show thought-provoking social/political/environmental films & talk afterward about what's stirring around in us.
Monday to Sunday, Apr 25 - May 1. OREGON CONVENTION CENTER , HALL E, 777 NE MLK JR BLVD

Northwest Solar Expo & Clean Technology Showcase

The solar industry is one of the few beacons of light in today's economy. While employment figures remain stagnant, particularly in the real estate, construction, and manufacturing sectors, solar continues to inspire new business ventures and create a wide array of professional opportunities and green collar jobs.

Add to this the fact that solar technologies offer a renewable energy path for businesses and homeowners, and you've got one powerful combination!

In its 6th year, the NW Solar Expo is the largest of its kind in the Pacific Northwest, featuring five full days of technical training, professional seminars, and workshops; and coupled with a 3-day exhibitor showcase.

Professional Conference (April 25-29)
Manufacturer & Dealer Training (April 29-30)
NW Solar Expo (April 29 - May 1)

Registration is at http://www.nwsolarexpo.com/registration2011.php
Additional information at http://www.nwsolarexpo.com/index.php
Monday, April 25th, 12 noon, Sen Wyden's Portland Office, 911 NE 11th Ave

Worker Solidarity Action Against the Korea Free Trade Agreement

Call on Senator Wyden and Congressman Blumenauer to Oppose "Race to the Bottom" Trade Pact

Join fair trade advocates, displaced workers and others outside the offices of U.S. Senator Ron Wyden and Congressman Earl Blumenauer as we say "NO WAY" to the Korea Free Trade Agreement. The pending FTA is the biggest trade deal of its type since NAFTA, and threatens to hurt working people in the United States, South Korea and beyond.

We'll deliver petitions to our Members of Congress, urging them to oppose policies that ship Oregon jobs overseas. We'll also get an update on the heroic opposition to the FTA that's taking place in South Korea. The perfect lead-up to May Day, this action will demonstrate cross-border solidarity against Washington policies that cause a "race to the bottom" in labor, environmental and human rights standards.

The demonstration is readily available via public transportation, less than a block away from the Lloyd Center MAX Stop. Come on your lunch break, and join us in saying that enough's enough! For more info, call the Oregon Fair Trade Campaign at (503) 736-9777. RSVP and spread the word via Facebook at: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=175188399199442Sign the Petition Now!

Don't wait! You can sign the petition we'll be delivering during this action today at:http://salsa.democracyinaction.org/o/1034/p/dia/action/public/?action_KEY=6379
Sunday, May 1st, more details later.

May Day Celebration

Friday/Saturday, May 13/14, First Unitarian Church, 1011 SW 12effectiver />
Rethinking Psychiatry Two-Day Symposium

Friday, May 13 7 - 9 PM
Creating a New Paradigm of Mental Heath Care: What Needs to be Done? And Why?

Saturday, May 14, 8 Am to 5 PM
Building Strong Communities: New Tools for Mental, Emotional and Spiritual Health

Friday evening will feature Robert Whitaker, author of Anatomy of an Epidemic, facilitating a conversation with the audience and a panel of mental health providers and peers on the current national movement to move our mental health care to a more holistic, supportvie and human system.

Saturday will be a day of sharing the wealth of resources and knowledge that supprt mental, emotional and spiritual health of all members of our communities. You will be invited to take part in and present workshops, presentations and conversations highlighting the array of ideas, actions and activities that are helping create the new paradigm of mental health care for all.

Additional Info: Marcia Meyers marciajmeyers@yahoo.com

Saturday, May 14th, 9:30 to 3:15, First United Methodist Church, 1838 SW Jefferson St.

Climate Ethics and Equity Forum

Progressive Party Polls

Take our polls on issues. We will be adding more polls all the time.