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Peace Party Qualifies for 2010 Ballot

Because Ralph Nader received more than 1% of the statewide Oregon vote in the presidential election, the Peace Party is now qualified to place its candidates on all ballots for partisan office in Oregon through the November 2010 general election.

Nader earned 1.01% of the votes cast in Oregon for U.S. President, just under 18,000.

Peace Party Members: Please leave comments on which races we all should focus on.

Nader Oregon Volunteer Meeting on October 4

October 2, 2008

Dear Nader/Gonzalez Supporters,

We are looking to kick the Oregon campaign into high gear!! With the recent financial crisis -- a crisis which Ralph predicted and spoke out against long ago -- many people are seeing the light and contributing to the Nader Campaign. All of this interest is coming with rarely a peep about the campaign from the corporate dominated media, which is why we need volunteers to help spread the word!

So if you are interested in volunteering please come to our meeting this Saturday, October 4th at 11 am at the Lucky Labrador Brew Pub, 915 SE Hawthorne Blvd. During this meeting we will be discussing strategies, and distributing campaign materials. So please join us!!

Saturday, October 4th at 11:00 am
at the Lucky Labrador Brew Pub
915 SE Hawthorne Blvd


Ryan Mulkey

Peace Party Nominates Nader for President

AUGUST 22, 2008
GREG KAFOURY 971/563-4139; greg@thepeaceparty.net


The Ralph Nader campaign announced today that the Secretary of State has recognized the creation of a new party in Oregon, the Peace Party, and party activists announced the nomination of Ralph Nader and Matt Gonzalez for President and Vice-President.

The party was created by the gathering of more than 24,000 valid signatures throughout the state.

"McCain is a virtual clone of President Bush on domestic policy, and on foreign policy he is even more of a warmonger," said Greg Kafoury, one of the leaders of the Nader campaign. "Obama has moved so far to the right since Hillary Clinton dropped out that the campaign has degenerated into trivia and personal attacks. Only Nader stands for full military and corporate withdrawal from Iraq, reductions in the bloated defense budget, single-payer health care, and a living wage for all Americans. Historically, small parties and independent candidacies have been the birthplace of progress. Third parties led the struggle against slavery, for women's suffrage, for Social Security and workers' rights. The job of the major parties is to adopt the best of these ideas. Ballot obstacles for small parties and their exclusion from the presidential debates has prevented the system from regenerating. The grip of the corporate media and the dominant corporate parties has kept the American people from solving a single major social problem in the last 40 years."

Nader is at 6% nationally in the latest CNN poll, and a recent Fox poll found that 14% of voters would support Nader if they felt he was competitive. "If Nader is included in the presidential debates, we could have a genuine three-way race," said Kafoury.

Nader will hold a major rally in Denver on August 27th during the Democratic convention, and a later rally during the Republican convention. The focus of the national campaign is to expand the debates to include Nader and perhaps former Congressman Bob Barr, the Libertarian candidate.

Those interested in the campaign can contact the law office of Kafoury and McDougal at (503) 224-2647, or visit VoteNader.org.

This year's Peace Party signature drive avoided the type of ballot access sabotage that kept Nader off the Oregon ballot 4 years ago. Then, Oregon Secretary of State Bill Bradbury (D) made the ballot a Nader-free zone by inventing and applying, retroactively and with no notice, a series of unwritten rules, never before applied to a candidate petition drive, and by giving the Nader campaign defective instructions on petition sheet numbering that his office later seized upon to disqualify more than 15% of all signatures Nader submitted for that "reason" alone. Petition circulators were confronted with letters from lawyers, threatening them with long prison terms and fines of $100,000 or more, and some circulators were even visited at their homes by persons carrying that message. The chief judge of the Marion County Circuit Court concluded that Bradbury had violated Oregon law, but the Oregon Supreme Court decided that he had acted within his authority in retroactively applying his unwritten rules. "The Nader signature drive in 2004 complied with every written rule," said attorney Dan Meek. "It is impossible to comply with unwritten rules made up after the signatures have been submitted." The 2004 experience is described in an article at Counterpunch, http://www.counterpunch.org/meek09282004.html.

We are created!

Thanks for the great support!

The Peace Party was verified this morning as as a statewide minor political party.

Any resident of Oregon of at least 18 years of age can now register as a member of the Peace Party.

Click the link below to download Oregon's voter registration form. Sign it. Take it in person or mail it to your county elections office (addresses are on the form). Don't forget the 42 cent stamp!
> Download the form
> Descargue la forma

As soon as you have registered as a member of the Peace Party, send us an email at info@thepeaceparty.net so we can include you in all messages that go to Party members.

Submit your suggestions for candidate nominations for state and federal "partisan" offices now for consideration. Each nominee will be considered on the basis of committment to peace and justice. The Party will be able to nominate candidates until close of business on August 26, 2008.

PEACE -- By Popular Demand!!

Voting has become an excercise in futility, so far as the peace movement is concered.

Oregon has the opportunity to take a different kind of electoral strategy for peace-oriented progressives.

Taking into consideration the nature of our two party electoral system, it is incumbent on us to try different strategies to yield different outcomes.

Every citizen who is concerned about the cause of Peace should help us in our effort.

Now, the Peace Party is currently collecting signatures to form in Oregon in time for the Fall 2008 Election.

As concerned citizens, we are committed to a platform that is intended to encourage our elected officeholders to promote policies that strengthen the cause of peace and social justice across the globe.

Demand Change!

  • A six-month timetable for withdrawing all troops from Iraq and Afghanistan.
  • Cut the US military budget in order to increase investment in education and domestic infrastucture.
  • Encourage local energy independence -- Increased subsidies for environmentally-friendly energy alternatives. No more subsidies for oil, coal, and nuclear industries.
  • Establish a cabinet-level Department of Peace.

Enough talk. How we get there?

Right. The Peace Party supports instant-runoff voting, a reform in which voters have one vote and rank candidates in order of preference. If no candidate receives a majority of first preference rankings, the candidate with the fewest number of votes is eliminated and that candidate's votes redistributed to the voters' next preferences among the remaining candidates. This process is repeated until one candidate has a majority of votes among candidates not eliminated. (irv info redacted from wikipedia)