Jerry Wilson Seeks Progressive Party Nomination for Governor in 2010 Election

Jerry Wilson, CEO of Soloflex and other businesses, has announced that he is running to become Governor of Oregon in the November 2010 election and is seeking the nomination of the Progressive Party.

Oregon minor parties cannot officially nominate anyone for any office until early in June of the election year (2010, for example). In the meantime, Progressive Party members can familiarize themselves with Jerry Wilson by clicking on his logo.

The best news I've heard in a LONG time ...

Great Jerry! Please keep me informed! I wish you could get our friend Dennis to follow your example and leave the sinking ship of the Democrats ...

Death Penalty

Wow, I'm not sure his blog on the death penalty qualifies Jerry as a Progressive.

"The arguments against the death penalty have merit but those arguments are far outweighed by the practical considerations of self-protection. No police officer, no one’s wife, mother or child is safe while these deranged killers live ..."

I would like to join your party...but, Jerry Wilson?

I have to be honest with what I hope will become my new party.

The fact that you have a link to Jerry Wilson "puts me off".

I do not agree with his views on the Federal Reserve, but I find most of his platform ideas to be reasonable and supportable.

It is his manner which invokes my rejection; he neither seems professional nor serious in the link on your website or in his writing, and I feel that his manner severely damages the chances of securing either a temporary or a lasting progressive domination of Oregon's vote and Gubernatorial position.

We desperately need a strong progressive movement, one which chooses it's candidates wisely and with the expected demeanor of an elected official in mind. Think great when it comes to choosing, in the tradition of Teddy Roosevelt: strong, stable, trustworthy, and reliable, and not a rock star persona.

Also it helps to choose a candidate for the executive branch who has exhibited some respect for law, whether he agrees with it or not.

Also his reference to bloody revolutions of the past in his banner is at odds with the peaceful platform of your party.

As one of many, I'm sure, I will be watching to see what your party does in the next few months before deciding to leave the Dems.

Jerry Wilson

We need truth telling and Jerry Wilson is a breath of fresh air. He's refreshing in his expressing his views with the humor and wit of a Mark Twain or a Kurt Vonnegut; and with a wealth of compelling information like a John Taylor Gatto.

I teach a simple little class 4 times a month, new audience each class and part of what I do is out the government (having been the insider for years). I've been doing it for 3 years. I see people hungry and thirsty for truth telling. I get excellent comments and evaluations each time.

People want to know why the government doesn't work. I'm happy to give them the insider information. Their mouths often hang open. They say I should write a book. I am.

People get it and they get it over what so-called Licensed Stepford Professionals have told them, but they've been too polite to say, "Your degree doesn't mean anything and my intuition about this subject is right on."

The juries and judges I testified to, also, have gotten it and I have seen social justice prevail.

We just need to step out of fear and laugh a little.

I'm loving reading Jerry Wilson's blog. He should get on Stephen Colbert Report...get the "Colbert bump."

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