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Progressive Party Nominates Candidates for 2010

The Progressive Party of Oregon has nominated the following candidates for the November 2010 general election:

        Oregon State Treasurer:       Walt Brown
        U.S. Senate:                  Rick Staggenborg
        U.S. Congress, 1st District:  Chris Henry
        U.S. Congress, 3rd District:  Michael Meo
        U.S. Congress, 4th District:  Peter DeFazio
        U.S. Congress, 5th District:  Chris Lugo

Progressive Party Sues Secretary of State to Preserve Party Labels on Ballots

On August 30, the Progressive Party of Oregon, Working Families Party of Oregon, and State Senator Larry George (R) filed suit in Marion County Circuit Court to stop the Secretary of State from dramatically altering Oregon's general election ballot by removing from it all party names next to the names of candidates.

Progressive Party Voter Pamphlet Statement

Vote for Candidates with “Progressive” or “PRO” next to their names.

The Peace Party of Oregon was formed by voter petition in 2008.
We changed the name from Peace Party to Progressive Party to reflect a boader agenda:  economic justice, human rights, environmental protection, and grassroots democracy, as well as avoiding military adventurism.

We are very different from the Establishment parties.

Rick Staggenborg's Voters Pamphlet Statement

Rick Staggenborg for United States Senate

Occupation: Physician

Occupational Background: Psychiatrist, US Army Medical Corps, Medical Director of a County Mental Health Agency, Veterans Administration (VA) psychiatrist and Acting Associate Chief of Staff for Mental Health Services for the Roseburg VA Health Service Center. Currently serving as a volunteer for the national council of the Alliance for Democracy and founder of Soldiers For Peace International.

Educational Background: Woodrow Wilson High School, Portland State University (BS in Psychology and Biology), Oregon Health Sciences Center (completed residency training at the University of New Mexico).

Prior Governmental Experience: No elective office, but extensive familiarity with Federal government bureauocracy through my work with the VA. * * *

Progressive Party Nominates Candidates for 2010

The Progressive Party of Oregon has nominated the following candidates for the November 2010 general election:

        Oregon State Treasurer:       Walt Brown
        U.S. Senate:                  Rick Staggenborg
        U.S. Congress, 1st District:  Chris Henry
        U.S. Congress, 3rd District:  Michael Meo
        U.S. Congress, 4th District:  Peter DeFazio
        U.S. Congress, 5th District:  Chris Lugo

A party can nominate candidates only in "partisan" races. It can endorse candidates in any race. The Progressive Party has endorsed:

        Metro Council President:       Bob Stacey

Progressives and the Buffalo

Progressives: American Buffalo - The Spirit of America:

As Buffalo were the lords of the prairie, Progressives were once the lamplighters of the dawn of a revolution that brought constitutional representative democracy. This constitution brought together ideas from enlightenment along with concepts found in tribal co-operative agreements of the The Constitution of the Five Nations - or - The Iroquois Book of the Great Law. In it, you will find close parallels to our Executive, Legislative and Judiciary branches of government as originally described in our U. S. Constitution.

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