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Oregon Progressive Party Candidates and Measures Do Well

In the midst of the disaster of Trump triumph, our measures and candidates have done well.

A top priority was Multnomah County Measure 26-184, the campaign finance reform measure that passed by 89-11%. Chris Henry so far has 72,000 votes for State Treasurer (5% of the vote). His performance was needed for the Oregon Progressive Party to maintain its status as a recognized political party in Oregon for the next 4 years.

David Delk earned 7.3% of vote against Earl Blumenauer in Congressional District 3.
James Ofsink earned 14% in Oregon Senate District 21.
Sami Al-AbdRabhun earned 15% in Oregon House District 16.
Cynthia Hyatt earned 16% in Oregon House District 15.
Fergus McLean earned 10% in Oregon House District 7.

The above are all record high numbers for candidates of the Oregon Progressive Party.

We also cross-nominated some candidates who are affiliated with other parties.
Peter DeFazio (D) won easily in Congressional District 4.
Joe Rowe (PGP) earned 18% in Oregon House District 44.
Jill Stein (PGP) earned 2% for President.
Brad Avakian (D) earned 43% for Secretary of State but is 4 points behind Dennis Richardson (R) there.

Election Night Contacts

David Delk
Liz Trojan
Jason Kafoury

Chris Henry Addresses Crowd

Chris Henry, our candidate for Treasurer of Oregon, addresses crowd on October 23.

Oregon can save over $1 billion per year by creating a state bank, like North Dakota's, and cutting out the Wall Street vultures and their gigantic fees.  See Chris Henry for Treasurer.

Chris Henry, OPP candidate for State Treasurer

OChris Henryregon Progressive Party candidate, Chris Henry, discusses the need and benefits from the creation of a state public bank.  He also discusses the projected shortfall in the PERS system and says that the shortfall can be taken care of from the General Fund over a period of time, largely by cutting out the Wall Street middle men from Oregon's financial operations.  Much more at Chris Henry for Treasurer.

Brad Avakian, OPP candidate for Secretary of State

Brad AvakianOregon Progressive Party candidate Brad Avakian is interviewed by Oregon League of Women Voters.  We start this video when Brad talks about the need for Oregon to address money in politics, specifically how Oregon needs to implement limits on campaign contributions and, if need be, take those limits to the US Supreme Court in order to overturn Citizens United.  He also expresses his understanding that money is not speech and corporations are not people.

David Delk League of Women Voters Interview

David DelkOregon Progressive Party candidate for U.S. Congress, 3rd District of Oregon, is interviewed by the League of Women Voters Portland.  He discusses his reason for running against U.S. Rep. Earl Blumenauer who has supported "Free" trade agreements 74% of the time since coming to office 20 years ago.

James Ofsink League of Women Voters Interview

James Ofsink

Oregon Progressive Party candidate for Oregon Senate is interviewed by the League of Women Voters Portland. Among other things, he calls for increased tenant protections with a tenant bill of rights including an end to no-cause evictions, and removal of preemption of state prohibition on rent control.

Prog Party candidate David Delk on A Growning Concern

David Delk on A Growing Concern Oregon Progressive Party candidate, David Delk, is interviewed by Jim Lockhart on A Growing Concern on why he is running to replace Rep. Earl Blumenauer.  David is a single issue candidate; the issue is Earl's long standing support for corporate trade agreements (aka free trade agreements) and his refusal to state opposition to the Trans Pacific Partnership.  Learn more about David on his website or on his Facebook page.

Thanks for Your Contribution

Thanks for your contribution to the Oregon Progressive Party.

Earmark Your Contribution

If you want your contribution go to for a specific candidate or purpose, please email to bank@progparty.org and let use know.

For example, you may want your contribution to go to the campaign of Chris Henry for Oregon State Treasurer or David Delk for U.S. House of Representatives.

Occupation Information
If you contribute more than $100 in a calendar year to us, we must also obtain your (1) address and (2) occupation. The law defines "occupation" as:
  1. The nature of an individual's principal business; and
  2. If the individual is employed by another person, the business name and address, by city and state, of the employer.
According to the Secretary of State, you are "not employed" if you are a student, retired, a volunteer, or a "homemaker." These folks should write "not employed" on the line for occupational information. Here is more information on what are considered "occupations."  If you are self-employed, then your employer is "self."
You may have already provided your address and occupation on the PayPal form.
If not, please email it to us at bank@progparty.org and let us know.

Oregon Political Tax Credit
If you are an Oregon resident and submit an Oregon income tax return, you may give up to $50 to political campaigns and get it all back (every dollar) as a state income tax credit (if the adjusted gross income on your federal return is not over $75,000).   A couple filing a joint return can give $100 and get it all back, if their adjusted gross income is not more than $150,000.  See the Statute.