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Trans Pacfic Partnership
Prog Party candidate David Delk on A Growning Concern
Submitted by DavidDelk on Mon, 09/19/2016 - 00:08
Oregon Progressive Party candidate, David Delk, is interviewed by Jim Lockhart on A Growing Concern on why he is running to replace Rep. Earl Blumenauer. David is a single issue candidate; the issue is Earl's long standing support for corporate trade agreements (aka free trade agreements) and his refusal to state opposition to the Trans Pacific Partnership. Learn more about David on his website or on his Facebook page.
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450+ organizations call for rejection of Trans Pacific Partnership & TTIP
Submitted by DavidDelk on Mon, 06/06/2016 - 16:18
Over 450 organizations, mainly enironmental, have written Congress calling for No votes on both the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP - 12 Pacific Rim nations) and the Trans Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP - US-European Union). From the report:
"The Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) and the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), as proposed, would empower an unprecedented number of fossil fuel corporations, including some of the world’s largest polluters, to challenge U.S. policies in tribunals not accountable to any domestic legal system. There, the firms could use the trade pacts’ broad foreign investor rights to demand compensation for U.S. fossil fuel restrictions. These “investor-state dispute settlement” (ISDS) cases would be decided not by judges, but by lawyers who typically represent corporations.
"We strongly urge you to eliminate this threat to U.S. climate progress by committing to vote no on the TPP and asking the U.S. Trade Representative to remove from TTIP any provision that empowers corporations to challenge government policies in extrajudicial tribunals."
Among the Oregon organizations are the Alliance for Democracy, 350PDx, 350 Eugene,350 Salem, Fair World Project and Oregon Physicians for Social Responsibility, Portland Rising Tide.
WHAT CAN YOU DO to stop the TPP?
Make a copy of the letter and mail it to your US Representative with a note that they should listen to the people and reject more new agreements which are extensions of the NAFTA trade model.
Find your Representative and Senators contact info here.
The letter is available here.
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OPP call for NO vote on Fast Track Authority/TPP
Submitted by DavidDelk on Fri, 03/13/2015 - 13:40
At the March Oregon Progressive Party public meeting, we appoved this statement to be mailed to our US Senators/Representatives and other stating our position of opposition to the granting of Fast Track Authority to the president as well as to the Trans Pacific Partnership, NAFTA on steriods corporate trade agreement.
Because Oregon Senator Ron Wyden plays a unique role in moving the next corporate trade agreements forward, the Oregon Progressive Party calls for Senator Wyden to abandon his talks with Senator Hatch of the Senate Finance Committee for granting revised Trade Promotion Authority (Fast Track Authority) to President Obama and to opposite the trade agreements which President Obama has been negotiating in top secret for as long as the past 5 years.
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Trans Pacific Partnership - release the text
Submitted by DavidDelk on Mon, 03/18/2013 - 13:02
Obama is negotiating another "Free Trade Agreement" like NAFTA, only bigger and badder. Call your US Representative and Senators and tell them not to give Obama Fast Track Authority to pass it and tell them to demand that the agreement text be released now so we can know what is in the agreement. It is outrageous that 600 corporate lobbyists can read it and we cannot. Read the Alliance for Democracy flyer on this and find the link to contact to your rep and senators. http://www.afd-pdx.org/uploads/1/3/4/0/13403615/flyer_1_c.pdf and learn more on Fast Track Authority here: http://www.afd-pdx.org/no-fast-track-authority.html And tell your US Representative and Senators to
* release the text so that both the public and congress can read the text prior to President signing it
* not vote for Fast Track Authority for the President. Fast Track Authority has been used to enact almonst every "free Trade agreement.