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Democratic Party Endorses Nuclear Power Plants (existing and more), Not Reducing Fossil Fuel Subsidies

Forbes Magazine reported in August 2020:

It took five decades, but the Democratic Party has finally changed its stance on nuclear energy. In its recently released party platform, the Democrats say they favor a “technology-neutral” approach that includes “all zero-carbon technologies, including hydroelectric power, geothermal, existing and advanced nuclear, and carbon capture and storage.”

That statement marks the first time since 1972 that the Democratic Party has said anything positive in its platform about nuclear energy.

Here is a video from Rep. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez saying that the Green New Deal includes nuclear plants.

Note that endorsing "advanced nuclear" means supporting a new generation of nuclear power plants, in addition to those already operating (which are not "advanced").  The Democratic Party 2020 Platform also forwards the myth of using "advanced nuclear that eliminates waste associated with conventional nuclear technology."  There is no such thing in reality.  If there were, it would exist somewhere in the world.

Scientific American of August 29, 2020, reported:  "The Democrats’ 2020 platform doesn’t include a goal of eliminating fossil fuel subsidies, even though the 2016 version did."

If you like nuclear power (and its wastes and catastrophic accidents) and government subsidization of dirty fossil fuels, the the Democratic Party is for you.

Rally for Medicare for All - July 24, 2021


Rally for Improved Medicare for All

March for Medicare for All

Hosted by Medicare for All PDX and

Oregon Progressive Party because

Health Care is a Human Right

Saturday, July 24th, 12:00 PM

Shemanski Park, 1010 SW Park Ave, Portland, OR 97205

During the COVID-19 pandemic, 15 million Americans lost their employer-sponsored health insurance. This in addition to the 87 million that were uninsured or underinsured before the crisis. It's time for universal, public healthcare - free at the point of service and guaranteed for all. It's time for Medicare for All.

On July 24th, Medicare for All supporters from Washington D.C. to Los Angeles to Portland are holding a national day of action for Medicare for All. Join us in Portland at Shemanski Park starting at noon. More details TBA soon! 

Please let the OR Progressive Party know if you can join us, as we will be there with our banner, some flyers, voter registeration cards. 

More information at the March of Medicare for All PDX website:  http://medicareforallpdx.com/

Serin Bussell endorsed for PCC Board Zone 4

Portland Community College Board - Zone 4

By unanimous vote of the Oregon Progressive Party state council, Serin Bussell has earned the endorsement of the OR Progressive Party for the Portland Community College Zone 4 Board position.  Serin was endorsed because of her dedication to progressive values including values she will pursue on the Board - Free Tuition, Healthcare for All, and Housing and Food Security. Serin has been actively involved in social justice movements, serving as Board Chair of the Crag Law Center, and Chair of Portland’s Open and Accountable Elections Commission. Learn more about her candidacy at her website.

Demilitarise the (Portland) Police Webinar

Demilitarize the police

Join grassroots organizers (Code Pink) for an action-oriented online gathering where you will learn about the ways in which the US military and private companies provide military weapons, equipment and training to our local law enforcement agencies - putting community safety at risk.

We will also, in real time, take action against this together by:

Signing the “Demilitarize the Portland Police” petition
Share the petition with others and encourage them to sign it
Directly contact local City and County officials to encourage their endorsement

Please RSVP to receive the zoom link!


February 12, 2021 at 5:30pm - 6:30pm (PST)

Merkley/Wyden: File a Resolution of Disapproval

Oregon Progressive Party hopes that each of you will call both Sen Merkley and Wyden as well as whoever your individual Representative is with a request for they file a Resolution of Disapproval of a $500 million sale of precision bombs to Saudi Arabia, which will likely be used by Saudi Arabia in their immoral war on the people of Yemen. Congress has 30 days (ending Jan 21, 2021) to approve such a resolution, so it is important that such a resolution be acted on immediately. Find their contact info here: https://congresslookup.com/

You might also thank both senators as well as Representatives Bonamici and Blumenauer for their No votes on the National Defense Authorization Act, which funds the Department of Defense to the tune of $740.5 billion. Oregon was the only state besides MA where both our senators voted No.


American War Party in Senate approves 2021 war budget

Following the approval by the House of Representatives, the record breaking budget ($340.5 billion) went to the Senate. The Senate approved the National Defense Authorization Act - 2021 by a Yes vote of 84 - 13 No vote. Oregon was only one of two states where both of our US Senators voted No, joining Oregon House members Blumenauer and Bonomici, who also voted No. MA was the other state with both senators voting No.

Please contact both Sen Wyden and Merkley with your thank you for their support for trimming the annual war budget and voting no on the budget itself.

President Trump promised to veto the NDAA if it including provision for changed base names to rid us of names which honor confederate and civil war generals. The bill includes that provision.  But in  spite of his threat, such a veto is not expected.

The Senate vote on HR6395 is available here. https://www.govtrack.us/congress/votes/116-2020/s264?utm_campaign=govtrack_email_update&utm_source=govtrack/email_update&utm_medium=email

What does this all buy America?  Read the DOD Fiscal Year 2021 Budget Request:  https://comptroller.defense.gov/Portals/45/Documents/defbudget/fy2021/fy2021_Weapons.pdf for a detailed look at the weapons systems funded.

Perspective on the military budget by Mike Klare/Tom Dispatch:  Trump Pernicious Military Legacy: From the Forever Wars to the Cataclysmic Wars.

Dem-Rep American War Party in House approves war budget for 2021

While Congress and the President have been trying to negotiate a COVID-19 relief package hopefully to benefit the American people, Congress has easily approved a $740.5 billion defense funding bill for 2021, which largely benefits the Military-Industrial-Congressional Complex's private military contractors. Democrats and Republicans are again united as the American War Party. This bill was approved in an overwhelming bi-partisan vote of 335 - 78 with more Democrats (195) than Republicans (140) voting in favor.

Only 37 House Democrats voted No. Included in the number were Oregon Representatives Blumenuaer, and Bonamici.

Sarah Iannarone: An Open Letter to Mayor Wheeler on Police, Houselessness, and Housing

Oregon Progressive Party urges you to vote for Sarah Iannarone for City of Portland Mayor. 

This is her most recent email to supporters:

Over the weekend, the Oregonian reported that during the last three years, Portland Police have made a majority of their arrest of houseless individuals. Further, they demonstrated that housing is the key to preventing their being arrested again. The team and I are shocked at this waste - this morning, I sent an open letter to Mayor Wheeler making concrete demands on how to address this problem. I sent the letter to all of Council and community leaders, because the people of Portland deserve transparency on where these solutions originate.

The letter pushes to reallocate wasted money to housing, to authorize purchasing hotels as emergency shelters for the houseless, and to stop prosecuting victimless crimes that the houseless can't avoid. Read the letter here.

It concludes: "The solutions detailed here are actionable and the need for them urgent. As back in March when I suggested the City push for a community coronavirus response weeks prior to implementation, Portland needs timely leadership that’s rarely forthcoming from your office. You recently mocked my campaign for proposing a Guaranteed Basic Income pilot program for low income Black mothers, only to announce a new partnership days later to provide gift cards to low income people. You slander me as 'antifa,' and deny there are people identifying as fascists in Portland the same week a neo-Nazi plastered my Foster-area neighborhood with recruitment stickers and awful slurs against Jewish people. Portland is not well served by your refusal to see the real problems in our midst, nor in your rejection of progressive solutions. You have appropriated my policies many times. I implore you to listen to me when I give you a blueprint to addressing issues at the intersection of policing, housing, and houselessness."

As Mayor, I'll stop the waste of our resources on failed tactics that harass the unhoused. While Wheeler is busy fighting for the right to buy elections, we're fighting for the rights of the vulnerable, and to invest in the supports they need to thrive.


Sarah Iannarone
Candidate for Portland Mayor

OPP supports People's Rebate initiative for 2022 ballot

Now that you’ve already voted, congratulations! But of course our votes now are not going to fix everything we want to change, so we press on! 

Oregon allies have filed a ballot for 2022 that we think you would like: the Oregon People’s Rebate (www.opr2022.org).  And the Oregon Progressive Party is supporting this initiative.

What will the Oregon People's Rebate do?

In short, the Oregon People's Rebate will do two things:

  1. Rebate about $750 to every Oregonian, every year. “Oregonian” is defined as universally as possible (including minors, dependents, people who are unemployed, unhoused, incarcerated, undocumented, etc.). The only requirement is being in Oregon for more than 200 days of the previous year.

  2. The revenue for the rebates comes from increasing the minimum corporate tax *after* $25 million to 3%, currently it is less than 1%.


Could you use $750? 


The Oregon People’s Rebate is people-powered, non-partisan, and explicitly running a state-wide campaign.

Currently, the campaign is in the “sponsorship” phase so they only have to collect 1,000 signatures from across the state. There are country-specific signature goals, so this is very doable!

You can help make the Oregon People’s Rebate happen by: 

  1. Request a signature sheet by mail (https://opr2022.org/en/sign/#request-signature-sheet) for yourself and those you quarantine with, fill it in, and return it in the enclosed postage-paid envelope as soon as possible.

  2. Reach out to your other Oregon friends and invite them to do the same. 

Now that you’ve already voted, let’s get going on 2022 with the Oregon People’s Rebate! 

We look forward to seeing you at the informational and training online meeting and helping get the Oregon People’s Rebate on the ballot for 2022!

Final 2020 Nominating Convention

The Oregon Progressive Party will conduct its final nominating convention for the 2020 election on Monday, August 24, 7:00 pm via Zoom.  If problems, call 503-502-8973 or 202-465-2764.