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Democratic Party
Democratic Party Endorses Nuclear Power Plants (existing and more), Not Reducing Fossil Fuel Subsidies
Submitted by info on Tue, 07/20/2021 - 00:20
Forbes Magazine reported in August 2020:
It took five decades, but the Democratic Party has finally changed its stance on nuclear energy. In its recently released party platform, the Democrats say they favor a “technology-neutral” approach that includes “all zero-carbon technologies, including hydroelectric power, geothermal, existing and advanced nuclear, and carbon capture and storage.”
That statement marks the first time since 1972 that the Democratic Party has said anything positive in its platform about nuclear energy.
Here is a video from Rep. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez saying that the Green New Deal includes nuclear plants.
Note that endorsing "advanced nuclear" means supporting a new generation of nuclear power plants, in addition to those already operating (which are not "advanced"). The Democratic Party 2020 Platform also forwards the myth of using "advanced nuclear that eliminates waste associated with conventional nuclear technology." There is no such thing in reality. If there were, it would exist somewhere in the world.
Scientific American of August 29, 2020, reported: "The Democrats’ 2020 platform doesn’t include a goal of eliminating fossil fuel subsidies, even though the 2016 version did."
If you like nuclear power (and its wastes and catastrophic accidents) and government subsidization of dirty fossil fuels, the the Democratic Party is for you.
OPP Endorses Bernie Sanders in Democratic Party's Primary
Submitted by info on Sun, 04/24/2016 - 21:53
The Oregon Progressive Party (OPP) has endorsed Bernie Sanders for the Oregon Democratic primary election to conclude on May 17.
"Bernie is clearly the most progressive candidate in the Democratic race," said Liz Trojan, a member of the OPP State Council. "His stances on important issues are quite consistent with our platform."
Here is a summary of the Oregon Progressive Party's Platform
"Bernie is the only candidate in the Democratic Party's primary who is not dependent on big money from Wall Street, fossil fuel companies, drug companies, military contractors, and others who profit from human misery," said OPP Chair David Delk.
"Bernie has been a true progressive for decades and is actually still not a member of the Democratic Party," noted Jason Kafoury, Secretary of OPP. "He has always been elected as non-affiliated with a political party, and Vermont has no party registration system at all."
Oregon Progressive Party members cannot vote in the Democratic primary, unless they change their registrations to Democratic. Doing that, however, can jeopardize the continued existence of the Oregon Progressive Party, which needs to maintain a certain level of membership in order to be recognized as a political party under Oregon law. "If you switch your registration to Democratic in order to vote for Bernie Sanders, please switch it back to "Progressive Party" after the May 17 primary," added Jason Kafoury.
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Delusional Democrats
Submitted by info on Tue, 12/01/2015 - 01:16
A recent poll for the Pew Center finds that only liberal Democrats think that they are "winning" more than "losing" on issues that are important to them. I guess constant military adventures, the continuing destruction of the middle class, the rise of the billionaire class, and the two-tier justice system are not important to liberal Democrats. Because Americans surely are not "winning" on those issues.
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Former Clinton Aide says: "My Party has Lost its Soul" to Wall Street Cash
Submitted by info on Mon, 07/28/2014 - 15:55
Bill Curry, former Clinton White House aide and twice the Democratic candidate for Governor of Connecticut, writes at Salon that "Democrats lost their way chasing Wall Street cash" and that Democrats need to ally themselves with Ralph Nader. He says:
One reason we know voters will embrace populism is that they already have. It’s what they thought they were getting with Obama. In 2008 Obama said he’d bail out homeowners, not just banks. He vowed to fight for a public option, raise the minimum wage and clean up Washington. He called whistle-blowers heroes and said he’d bar lobbyists from his staff. He was critical of drones and wary of the use of force to advance American interests. He spoke eloquently of the threats posed to individual privacy by a runaway national security state.
He turned out to be something else altogether. To blame Republicans ignores a glaring truth: Obama’s record is worst where they had little or no role to play. It wasn’t Republicans who prosecuted all those whistle-blowers and hired all those lobbyists; who authorized drone strikes or kept the NSA chugging along; who reneged on the public option, the minimum wage and aid to homeowners. It wasn’t even Republicans who turned a blind eye to Wall Street corruption and excessive executive compensation. It was Obama.
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