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TV Coverage of Our Protest Against Police Spy Cams

KOIN TV Coverage of Our Protest Against Police Spy Cams

Click on the title above to get the video. It does not appear to work well in Firefox.

Hanford Hearings on May 16, 2012

Hanford Nuclear Reservation in Washington state is in danger of being designated a national nuclear waste dump site in spite of vast quantities of nuclear waste already on site which is leaking into the Columbia River.

Should this happen, 20,000 to 30,000 truck loads of nuclear waste could start traveling on Oregon highways carrying the waste for storage at Hanford. A US Department of Energy study concluded that over 800 death would result. However, we know that the number would be much higher as they used the average adult male to obtain the figure. Women and children would die at a higher rate than adult males.

Beyond the danger from leaking radiation, accident or terrorist attacks could happen. If that happened on a freeway in Portland, hundred of square miles would need to be evacuated, economic activity would be disrupted up and as many as 1000 people could die.

The state of Washington could say no to the plan. They have the right to refuse shipments of chemical wastes at Hanford. Nuclear waste is not pure but is a toxic stew of nuclear and chemical waste and therefore subject to regulation by the State of Washington.

The Washington Dept. of Ecology will hold a public hearing at which you can comment. The meeting date/time is Wed. May 16th at 7 PM at Red Lion Jantzen Beach. Heart of America NW will hold a pre-hearing learning session starting at 6:15. They are the main advocates for clean-up of Hanford.

Additional information is available at the Alliance for Democracy website at www.afd-pdx.org, including two 5 minutes YouTube videos containing good talking points.

Oregonian Article on Our Protest v. Police Spy Cams

Protesters gather to oppose Portland police plan for video surveillance cameras

May 09, 2012
Maxine Bernstein

The Oregon Progressive Party is protesting the Portland Police Bureau's proposal to place video surveillance cameras on private property in Old Town to help monitor drug deals.

Roberto Lovato"Instead of spying on our citizens and creating a police surveillance state in the vein of Orwell's 'Big Brother,' the PPB should be using their limited resources in prevention and treatment, not adding another weapon to the failed War on Drugs," said Phillip Kauffman, Oregon Progressive Party state council member.

About 20 people came to protest outside City Hall on Wednesday morning. Meanwhile, the mayor pulled the item from the morning's council agenda, and referred it back to his office. Last week, Commissioner Dan Saltzman said he wouldn't support the program unless Chief Mike Reese adopted protocol restricting the camera's use and stating the consequences of any misuse.

The chief has said the cameras, which can "pan, tilt and zoom," would focus on public spaces and the images could be monitored by officers' smartphones, mobile computers in their cars or laptops. He said the surveillance could be helpful in aiding police in drug and gang enforcement.

Roberto Lovato, among the protesters, said he had hoped the demonstration would put pressure on the mayor to halt the plan. "If they get the OK to put them up in Old Town and Chinatown, they'll put them everywhere," Lovato said.

The chief's proposal to hold private property owners harmless from any liability that might arise from the installation of the police cameras on their buildings had been placed on the council's consent agenda two weeks ago as an emergency ordinance.

Portland Copwatch objected, and it was pulled off the consent agenda last week and placed on the regular agenda last week allowing for council discussion. The American Civil Liberties Union of Oregon also has opposed the police plan, saying the surveillance is ineffective and a waste of resources.

The Citizens Crime Commission supports the proposal, saying it will increase security for area businesses and help police enforcement of street-level drug dealing in Old Town Chinatown.

David Cobb, Move to Amend, in Portland & Eugene

David Cobb

Join David Cobb,

Chief Spokesperson for Move to Amend, for a rousing evening because .....

It is time to change the rules.

The Supreme Court's Citizens United ruling is just the latest - and most blatant - example that corporations have hijacked our government.

Great Days of Nader / Anderson Events

We've had two great days with Ralph and Rocky in town and we'll have our monthly meeting at our office here starting at 7pm tonight. Below is a sampling of the media. Ralph packed 250 people at noon into Powell's, then had more than 600 people pack into Lewis and Clark to see him debate former Bush admin. official and neo-con Jamie Fly (Ralph won that debate easily)! Today we had a great press conference with Rocky & Ralph (video here) , had an article in Oregonian, two TV channels (KATU and KPTV), and Oregon public broadcasting there.  Then we had a successful rally with Rocky at PSU. This is a great kick-off for the Progressive Party and 2012 Elections let's keep the momentum up and firing...go we go...

Oregon Progressive Party Nominates Rocky Anderson for President

Ralph and RockyAt a press conference in Portland today, Ralph Nader introduced and announced his support for Rocky Anderson as the 2012 nominee of the Oregon Progressive Party for President of the United States.

The Oregon Progressive Party is a ballot-qualified minor party in Oregon.  It was created by voter petition as the Peace Party in 2008 and that year nominated Ralph Nader for President.  The party changed its name in 2009 to the Oregon Progressive Party to reflect its broader platform.

Rocky Anderson is the progressive former 2-term Mayor of Salt Lake City, Utah.  He has now obtained the Presidential general election ballot in 3 states--which is 3 more states than Ralph Nader had obtained at this stage in 2008 on his way to appearing on the ballot in 45 states.

Ralph Nader on KPOJ Portland

Ralph Nader and Rocky Anderson are both in Portland next week!

Event Flyers for Distribution Here

Ralph Nader speaks in Portland on Monday, April 9, at 2 events.  Both are free and open to the public:

Ralph Nader on:  Getting Steamed to Overcome Corporatism
Monday, April 9, 12 noon
Powell's City of Books     1005 W. Burnside

Ralph Nader on:  Future of Military Force in International Peace and Security
Monday, April 9, 7:30pm
Lewis and Clark College    Agnes Flanagan Chapel
0615 SW Palatine Hill Road

Presidential candidate Rocky Anderson, former Mayor of Salt Lake City, speaks in Portland on Tuesday, April 10, at 2 events:

Rocky Anderson speaks at PSU on Occupy, Corporate Corruption and the 2012 Election:  Where do we go for real change?

2:30 pm - 4:00 pm     (doors open 2:00 pm)     Tuesday, April 10
Portland State University

Native American Student Community Center
Gathering Space, Room 110
710 SW Jackson Street
Portland (south edge of PSU campus)
FREE and open to the public

Rocky Anderson worked for equal rights, ending the wars, climate justice, and the impeachment of G.W. Bush during his 8 years as the boldly progressive Mayor of Salt Lake City.  Due to corporate corruption of our government, Rocky left the Democratic Party and is running for President of the United States.  He seeks places on state ballots by petitioning as a non-affiliated candidate and by obtaining nominations from non-major political parties.

His positions on issues closely match those of the Oregon Progressive Party.
Here is his impressive biography: http://www.voterocky.org/meet_rocky
Here is his Wikipedia page:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rocky_Anderson
Here are some videos of his recent appearances:  http://www.voterocky.org/television

Oregon Progressive Party Meeting with Special Guest Rocky Anderson

7:00 pm - 9:00 pm     Tuesday, April 10
320 SW Stark Street     Suite 200
Portland (downtown)

This month's Progressive Party Meeting will feature a discussion with Presidential candidate Rocky Anderson.  Please send any questions you have for Rocky to info@ProgParty.org with the subject header "Question for Rocky."

Should OPP Nominate Rocky Anderson for President 2012?

The State Nominating Panel of the Oregon Progressive Party seeks feedback from party members on the prospect of nominating Rocky Anderson to run as our candidate for President of the United States in the November 2012 election.

Rocky Anderson is actively seeking our nomination.  His positions on issues closely match those of the Oregon Progressive Party.  Ralph Nader favors his candidacy over all others.  If nominated by the Oregon Progressive Party, he has promised to campaign actively in Oregon.

Here is his impressive biography: http://www.voterocky.org/meet_rocky.  Perhaps most impressive is his election and reelection as the notably progressive Mayor of Salt Lake City in a state that has voted all Republican in federal elections for decades and voted for a non-Republican for President only once in the past 60 years (Lyndon Johnson in 1964).

Here is his Wikipedia page:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rocky_Anderson
Here are some videos of his recent appearances:  http://www.voterocky.org/television

If you are a member of the Oregon Progressive Party, you can provide feedback by sending email to info@progparty.org (with Rocky in the subject) or by posting comments on this item.


Obama says "No idea we'd also be up against a social agenda that would roll back decades of progress."

We just received a fundraising email signed by "Barack" himself.  He says:

As we count down to another critical fundraising deadline for this campaign, it's important to remember this: We always knew this election would be about two competing economic plans -- whether we get to build on our progress or see it taken away. But we had no idea we'd also be up against a social agenda that would roll back decades of progress, particularly for women's health.

He had no idea that Republicans would advance such a social agenda?  What planet has he been living on?