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OPP Nominates Candidates, Adopts Party Statement
Submitted by info on Tue, 08/28/2012 - 14:56
The Oregon Progressive Party has nominated these 7 candidates for the November 2012 Election:
Rocky Anderson Robert Wolfe Cameron Whitten Chris Henry Steven Reynolds Woody Broadnax Peter DeFazio |
President of the United States Secretary of State, Oregon State Treasurer, Oregon Attorney General, Oregon U.S. House of Representatives, 1st District U.S. House of Representatives, 3rd District U.S. House of Representatives, 4th District |
The Party has also adopted this Oregon Progressive Party Statement for the Oregon Voters's Pamphlet. Here is the Statement of Robert Wolfe.
The Rocky Anderson ticket includes Luis Gonzalez for Vice-President of the United States. Robert Wolfe, Cameron Whitten, and Chris Henry are exclusively the candidates of the Oregon Progressive Party. Steven Reynolds has been cross-nominated by the Pacific Green Party and the Libertarian Party of Oregon. Woody Broadnax has been cross-nominated by the Pacific Green Party. Peter DeFazio has been cross-nominated by the Democratic Party and by the Working Families Party of Oregon.
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Great Days of Nader / Anderson Events
Submitted by info on Tue, 04/10/2012 - 20:31
We've had two great days with Ralph and Rocky in town and we'll have our monthly meeting at our office here starting at 7pm tonight. Below is a sampling of the media. Ralph packed 250 people at noon into Powell's, then had more than 600 people pack into Lewis and Clark to see him debate former Bush admin. official and neo-con Jamie Fly (Ralph won that debate easily)! Today we had a great press conference with Rocky & Ralph (video here) , had an article in Oregonian, two TV channels (KATU and KPTV), and Oregon public broadcasting there. Then we had a successful rally with Rocky at PSU. This is a great kick-off for the Progressive Party and 2012 Elections let's keep the momentum up and firing...go we go...
NADER & ROCKY PRESS CONFERENCE: http://www.oregonlive.com/politics/index.ssf/2012/04/former_salt_lake_ci...
NADER STEVE DUIN INTERVIEW: http://www.oregonlive.com/news/oregonian/steve_duin/index.ssf/2012/04/st...
- NADER AT POWELL'S Coverage http://www.oregonlive.com/portland/index.ssf/2012/04/green_party_staple_...
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