voter pamphlet

Walt Brown for State Treasurer -- Voter's Pamphlet Statement


Volunteer attorney, Consumer Justice Alliance, Oregon Consumer League. Received Oregon State Bar Award for the Highest Level of Pro-Bono Service for "TOTAL HOURS OF PRO-BONO SERVICES" and "LEGAL SERVICES TO THE POOR" (3/4/04).


Commander JAGC U.S. Navy (Ret.)(1944-70); volunteer WWll, Korea, Vietnam; public defender, prosecutor, attorney for disabled servicemen. Lewis & Clark Law School (1970-80) taught Consumer Law, Legal Ethics. Malheur County Counsel, Deputy D.A. (1989-91). Tree Farmer (1987-2007)(donated to Lincoln County, for all Oregonians, his reforested 185-acre farm on the Siletz River as a no-hunting, no-logging, nature park).

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