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October 2010
October 2010
Submitted by info on Fri, 10/01/2010 - 17:15
Oregon Progressive Party Community Event Calendar
Main Event Calendar: All events are listed here by date. To see additional details or to look up events by type check out our the breakdown by event type below the main calendar.
09 October 2010 Saturday
9:00am-2:00pm Portland State University Saturday Farmers Market
Oregon Progressive Party Booth with Candidates and volunteers.
Money for Jobs & Education Not for War and Occupation
Afghanistan War Anniversary RALLY, MARCH & TEACH-IN
11:00am: RALLY at the Park Blocks near PSU between SW Market and Clay
11:30am: MARCH to teach-in
1:00-3:30pm: TEACH-IN at Portland State University
2:00pm: Town Hall for Measure 74
Join Rick Staggenborg, Oregon Progressive Party Candidate for U.S. Senate.
1607 Gekeler Ln., La Grande, Oregon 97850
10 October 2010 Sunday
2-8pm Green - Progressive Party Jamboree and BBQ
Thompson Shelter in Avery Park, Corvallis, Oregon
350 Global Day of Action focused on the climate crisis
Statewide Events All Day... check www.350.org for event details.
2-4:00pm: Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Action
All New Seasons' stores in Portland, Oregon 4:30pm Debrief Meeting
11 October 2010 Monday
7:00pm Brookings Town Hall
Join Rick Staggenborg, Oregon Progressive Party Candidate for U.S. Senate.
Chetco Senior Center, 550 Chetco Lane in Brookings, Oregon
12 October 2010 Tuesday
Philomath High School Candidates Day
Join Rick Staggenborg, Oregon Progressive Party Candidate for U.S. Senate.
2054 Applegate St., Philomath, Oregon
14 October 2010 Thursday
7-9:00pm Progressive Poster Party
Meet at Lucky Lab on 915 SE Hawthorne Blvd, Portland, Oregon
Conversations with Dr Don (Internet TV)
See appearances by Walt Brown, the Oregon Progressive Party candidate for State Treasurer and Rick Staggenborg, the Oregon Progressive candidate for U.S. Senate.
Check website www.doonbaham.com for times and podcasts.
16 October 2010 Saturday
9:00am-2:00pm Portland State University Saturday Farmers Market
Oregon Progressive Party Booth with Candidates and volunteers.
17 October 2010 Sunday
1-4:00pm: OSPIRG Activist Workshop
Location to be determined soon
RSVP to Naomi Roth, the training facilitator, she will be in touch with directions and more details about the training. Contact: nroth@publicinterestnetwork.org.
3:00pm Schools Not Stadiums:
Challenging Backwards Government Spending PrioritiesPortland State University, Smith Memorial Student Union, Room 228, Portland, Oregon
20 October 2010 Wednesday
6-8:00pm Oregon Progressive Party Volunteer Meeting
320 SW Stark St. Ste.202, Portland, OR 97204
23 October 2010 Saturday
9:00am-2:00pm Portland State University Saturday Farmers Market
Oregon Progressive Party Booth with Candidates and volunteers.
27 October 2010 Wednesday
6-8:00pm Oregon Progressive Party Volunteer Meeting
320 SW Stark St. Ste.202, Portland, OR 97204
30 October 2010 Saturday
9:00am-2:00pm Portland State University Saturday Farmers Market
Oregon Progressive Party Booth with Candidates and volunteers.
12-5:00pm Rally to Restore Sanity: Portland, Oregon
Waterfront Park @ Morrison Bridge, 540 SW Naito Parkway, Portland, Oregon
From this point on events are listed by group...
Progressive Party Events:
09 October 2010 Saturday
9:00am-2:00pm Portland State University Saturday Farmers Market
Oregon Progressive Party Booth with Candidates and volunteers.
Located at the far NE corner of the Market near where Montgomery intersects with the East side of the Park Blocks. Closest PSU buildings are Cramer Hall and Smith.
contact: alaina@progparty.org
10 October 2010 Sunday
2-8pm Green - Progressive Party Jamboree and BBQ
Join Rick Staggenborg, Oregon Progressive Party Candidate for U.S. Senate.
3pm Music, 4pm food, 5pm candidates speak, BBQ, 6:30 music
Thompson Shelter in Avery Park, Corvallis, Oregon
6-8:00pm Oregon Progressive Party Volunteer Meeting
320 SW Stark St. Ste.202, Portland, OR 97204
contact: alaina@progparty.org
14 October 2010 Thursday
7-9:00pm Progressive Poster Party
Meet at Lucky Lab on 915 SE Hawthorne Blvd, Portland
We will meet, split in to groups then launch out from there to poster Portland.
contact: alaina@progparty.org
16 October 2010 (Saturday)
9:00am-2:00pm Portland State University Saturday Farmers Market
Oregon Progressive Party Booth with Candidates and volunteers.
Located at the far NE corner of the Market near where Montgomery intersects with the East side of the Park Blocks. Closest PSU buildings are Cramer Hall and Smith.
contact: alaina@progparty.org
20 October 2010 Wednesday
6-8:00pm Oregon Progressive Party Volunteer Meeting
320 SW Stark St. Ste.202, Portland, OR 97204
contact: alaina@progparty.org
23 October 2010 Saturday
9:00am-2:00pm Portland State University Saturday Farmers Market
Oregon Progressive Party Booth with Candidates and volunteers.
Located at the far NE corner of the Market near where Montgomery intersects with the East side of the Park Blocks. Closest PSU buildings are Cramer Hall and Smith.
contact: alaina@progparty.org
27 October 2010 Wednesday
6-8:00pm Oregon Progressive Party Volunteer Meeting
320 SW Stark St. Ste.202, Portland, OR 97204
contact: alaina@progparty.org
30 October 2010 Saturday
9:00am-2:00pm Portland State University Saturday Farmers Market
Oregon Progressive Party Booth with Candidates and volunteers.
Located at the far NE corner of the Market near where Montgomery intersects with the East side of the Park Blocks. Closest PSU buildings are Cramer Hall and Smith.
contact: alaina@progparty.org
Events with Rick Staggenborg:
Oregon Progressive Party Candidate for U.S. Senate
09 October 2010 Saturday
2:00pm Town Hall for Measure 74
Join Rick Staggenborg, Oregon Progressive Party Candidate for U.S. Senate.
1607 Gekeler Ln., La Grande, Oregon 97850
10 October 2010 Sunday
2-8pm Green - Progressive Party Jamboree and BBQ
Join Rick Staggenborg, Oregon Progressive Party Candidate for U.S. Senate.
3pm Music, 4pm food, 5pm candidates speak, BBQ, 6:30 music
Thompson Shelter in Avery Park, Corvallis, Oregon
11 October 2010 Monday
7:00pm Brookings Town Hall
Join Rick Staggenborg, Oregon Progressive Party Candidate for U.S. Senate.
Chetco Senior Center 550 Chetco Ln, Brookings, Oregon
Contact: 541-469-6822
12 October 2010 Tuesday
Philomath High School Candidates Day
Join Rick Staggenborg, Oregon Progressive Party Candidate for U.S. Senate.
2054 Applegate St., Philomath, Oregon
Contact: 929-2043
14 October 2010 Thursday
Conversations with Dr Don (Internet TV)
Broadcast in Washington County 7 times during October 18-22
Check website www.doonbaham.com for times and podcasts.
16 October 2010 Saturday
Concert Fundraiser at the Green Spot Coos Bay
Join Rick Staggenborg, Oregon Progressive Party Candidate for U.S. Senate.
181 Anderson Ave, Coos Bay, Oregon
Contact number: 541-808-0548
23 October 2010 Saturday
2:00-3:00pm: Eugene NORML Meeting
Join Rick Staggenborg, Oregon Progressive Party Candidate for U.S. Senate.
Herb’s Toasted Subs, 1210 Willamette St., Eugene, Oregon
Contact: 541-343-2845
Events with Walt Brown:
Oregon Progressive Candidate for State Treasure
14 October 2010 Thursday
Conversations with Dr Don (Internet TV)
Broadcast in Washington County 7 times during October 18-22
Check website www.doonbaham.com for times and podcasts.
Rallies, Marches & Protests:
09 October 2010 Saturday
Money for Jobs & Education Not for War and Occupation
Afghanistan War Anniversary Rally, March & Teach-In
11:00am: RALLY at the Park Blocks near PSU between SW Market and Clay
11:30am: MARCH to teach-in
1pm - 3:30pm: TEACH-IN at Portland State University
Park Blocks near Portland State University: Between SW Market and Clay
Focus includes ending the occupations of Afghanistan and Iraq and the funding Israeli apartheid. Equal Rights for Palestinians. Arguing for no war on Iran or Pakistan, ending drone bombings, imperialism in Latin America and the scapegoating of Arabs, Muslims and Immigrants
10 October 2010 Sunday
2-4:00pm: Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Action
All New Seasons' stores in Portland, Oregon 4:30pm Debrief Meeting
Activists from the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions campaign against Israel will be passing out literature outside of all the New Seasons stores in Portland. We are asking all of our supporters to come in during the day (preferably while we're handing out literature and coupons) and bring a coupon to the cashier or manager or fill in a comment card asking them to stop carrying Israeli products until Israel follows international law. At 4:30pm we'll be meeting up at the Red & Black Cafe to debrief all of our experiences and invite you all to come to that as well. Also, if you have yet to sign the petition asking New Seasons to stop carrying Israeli products, please do so here: <http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/dontbuyapartheid/>
30 October 2010 Saturday
12-5:00pm: Rally to Restore Sanity: Portland, Oregon
Waterfront Park @ Morrison Bridge. Portland, Oregon
Community Meetings, Conferences & Events:
24 September to 30 October 2010 ONGOING event
"My Name is Rachel Corrie"
Taken from the writings of Rachel Corrie. Edited by Alan Rickman and Katharine Viner.
Presented by Northwest Classical Theatre Company and Three Good Friends
Performances: Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays at 7:30 PM and Sunday Matinees at 2 PM
THE STARK STREET THEATER: 600 SE Stark Street, Portland
Tickets: $18 adults, $15 seniors and students
Contact: www.nwctc.org/Corrie, 503-293-3062 for Reservations
09 October 2010 Saturday
2:00pm: Town Hall for Measure 74
Join Rick Staggenborg, Oregon Progressive Party Candidate for U.S. Senate.
1607 Gekeler Ln., La Grande, Oregon 97850
11 October 2010 Monday
7:00pm: Brookings Town Hall
Join Rick Staggenborg, Oregon Progressive Party Candidate for U.S. Senate.
Chetco Senior Center 550 Chetco Ln, Brookings, Oregon
Contact: 541-469-6822
17 October 2010 Sunday
1-4:00pm: OSPIRG Activist Workshop
Location to be determined soon.
RSVP to Naomi Roth, the training facilitator, she will be in touch with directions and more details about the training. Contact: nroth@publicinterestnetwork.org.
Show-up ready for action. We will spend the day moving between large group overviews and small groups to give people an opportunity to learn and internalize skills. The skills we are focused on are skills passionate activists need to have.
1-1:10 Welcome/Introductions
1-1:30 Overview of Volunteer Recruitment
1:30-2:00 Small Groups; Volunteer Recruitment
2-2:20 Overview of Coalition Outreach
2:20 – 2:50 Small Groups: Building a "Paper Tiger" Coalition
2:50 – 3:05 Break, Meet fellow area activists
3:05 – 3:20 Overview of Planning a News Conference
3:20 –3:50 Small Groups: Planning a News Conference
3:50 –4:00 Wrap-up
17 October 2010 Sunday
3:00pm Schools Not Stadiums:
Challenging Backwards Government Spending Priorities Portland State University 1825 SW Broadway, Portland, Oregon 97201
Smith Student Memorial Union Room 228
DAVE ZIRIN writes about the politics of sports for The Nation, SLAM magazine, the Progressive, the Los Angeles Times and edgeofsports.com <http://www.edgeofsports.com>. His books include A People's History of Sports in the United States and Bad Sports: How Owners are Ruining the Games We Love.JULES BOYKOFF is a former professional soccer player and currently an associate professor of political science at Pacific University in Oregon. He is the author of Beyond Bullets: The Suppression of Dissent in the United States.SANDRA CHILDS is in her 20th year of teaching and is currently a teacher-library media specialist at Jackson Middle School in Portland. Several of her articles have appeared in Rethinking Schools magazine, and she co-edited the teaching guide for Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 9/11.
23 October 2010 Saturday
2:00-3:00pm: Eugene NORML Meeting
Join Rick Staggenborg, Oregon Progressive Party Candidate for U.S. Senate.
Herb’s Toasted Subs, 1210 Willamette St., Eugene, Oregon
Contact: 541-343-2845