ending war

No US War in Iran or Venezuela


"No U.S. War in Iran or Venezuela: Sanctions Kill People Too!"

*Sunday, July 28, 2019*
1:00 PM
Waterfront Park / Salmon

Congress: End US military involvement in Yemen

OR Progressive Party mailed this letter to all Oregon US Representatives regarding ending all American military involvement in Yemen

Dear Congress(person)

The American military-industrial adventure in Yemen has resulted in the greatest humanitarian crisis in the world today. Over 24 million people are in need to humanitarian assistance, including water and sanitation services. More than 15 million people are on the verge of starvation. 1.1 million people are suffering from the world’s largest outbreak of cholera. 2 million people are now refugees. 
While Congress was prevented from voting last year to end American assistance to Saudi Arabia in their unholy war on Yemen, a New Year has dawned with the possibilities of a vote. The Senate voted last year to end American involvement. Congress must vote this year; the sooner the better.  
The Oregon Progressive Party demands that all members of Oregon’s Congressional delegation lead on this issue, pushing for the earliest possible vote, and then for all Oregon members to vote Yes for ending all American involvement (stop providing arms to Saudi Arabia, stop its refueling of military jets and stop all training activities) in this civil war.  
We look forward to your respond.  

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