HJM6 to full House for vote

HJM6-3 approved by Rules Committee unanimously
Today the Oregon House Rules Committee took a major step to end corporate domination by voting out of their committee HJM6-3.  HJM6-3 is the revised Joint Memorial calling on Oregon's congressional delegation to send us a constitutional amendment to end the court-created doctrines that money is speech and that corporations are people.  The committee voted unanimously to send the resolution to a vote of the full House.

Read the text of HJM6-3 here.

Time to take action!
Having sent it to the full House means we each need to advocate for its passage.  Call or email your state representative NOW, express your support for HJM6 and inform them of your expectation that they will approve this and move it onto the senate.  Because the legislative session will end soon, we need to take action NOW!

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