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Progressive Party statement on transparancy and the renegotiation of NAFTA
Submitted by DavidDelk on Fri, 08/25/2017 - 10:06
OPP adopted this statement at our monthly meeting last night:
The American public is once again being shut out of negotiations being held in our name and supposedly for our benefit. What do the negotiators of the new version of NAFTA have to hide?
As the first round of NAFTA negotiations between the US, Mexico and Canada conclude, it is clear that the hoped for transparency will not materialize in spite of the promises made by US Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer. In fact, US trade officials have now declared that trade documents will be “classified”, meaning that once again a trade deal involving America's largest, most important trade partners will be negotiated in secret. Even the public stakeholder events which have happened during negotiations of other trade agreements did not, and will not, happen.
Oregonians can only hope that our US Representatives and Senators will join together in calling for openness and transparency in the rest of the negotiations as a first condition for a renegotiated agreement acceptable to the people of all three nations. If not, We the People will reject any resulting agreement produced in dark smoke-filled rooms of corporate lobbyists.
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Oregon Progressive Party Commends Rep. Julie Parrish
Submitted by info on Fri, 08/19/2016 - 23:44
The State Council of the Oregon Progressive Party issued this statement:
The Oregon Progressive Party commends Julie Parrish for doggedly pursuing government ethics reform and transparency in government. The Party endorsed her 5 ethics and transparency bills in 2015, all of which were nullified on party line votes (Democrats voting "no"). She also supports our central priority of achieving campaign finance reform in Oregon, including amending the Oregon Constitution, if necessary, and requiring that political ads identify their funders. She is also a defender of the right of citizens to use the initiative process to enact what the Legislature won't.
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