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independent party
Let all the candidates debate
Submitted by DavidDelk on Mon, 07/30/2018 - 02:29
David Delk, Chair of the Oregon Progressive Party, was published by The Oregonian, calling for TV stations and universities sponsoring gubernatorial debates this fall to include all three major party candidates, Democrat Kate Brown , Republican Knute Buehler and Patrick Starnes, the candidate of the Independent Party of Oregonian
The letter:
Oregon is the only state with three major political parties -- Democrats, Republicans and Independents. In the primary election, each of these parties selected a candidate for governor. The public looks forward to hearing debates between these candidates.
Despite our desire, one of the candidates is being left out. Independent Party candidate Patrick Starnes has not been invited to debate alongside Democrat Gov. Kate Brown and Republican Rep. Knute Buehler in two widely-viewed TV station debates and one public university debate.
I cry foul. The system is rigged. And it has been for too long. The Independent Party candidate needs to be included. Who knows, maybe if he is heard, we might get more than the 30 percent turnout we had in the primary elections.
Or perhaps the Democrats and Republicans do not want a candidate whose primary issue is getting big special interests out of our elections to have a platform.
All gubernatorial debates should include at least all the major party candidates.
David Delk, NE Portland
These are the major upcoming debates. Please any and all and insist that at least all the major party candidates be invited to participate.
Children First for Oregon will host a debate in Portland in either late September or early October.
KOBI-NBC TV will host an October 4th debate in Medford.
KGW-NBC TV will host a debate in Portland during the week of October 8th.
KATU-ABC and Portland State University will host a debate in Portland on October 15th
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Independent Party of Oregon Announces Winners of Historic Online Primary
Submitted by Philip on Fri, 07/30/2010 - 20:09
Linda Williams, chair of the Independent Party of Oregon, and Dan Meek, Senior member, along with former Chair of the Federal Election Assistance Commission and current Chief Elections Officer of Everyone Counts Inc. Paul DeGregorio, announced the results of the Independent Party of Oregon's historic internet primary this evening in Portland, OR.
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